Wednesday 21 March 2012

ZYI800 Rádio Vale do Capibaribe, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe PE 1370

A very nice email from Rádio Vale do Capibaribe - in Norwegian - confirmed my May 3, 2010 reception. Thanks to Ole Forr for support with station identification!

"Og med stor glede at vi får i dag Dag 21 - 03-2012
en kopi av prefikset 1370 kHz høres på den 3 mai 2010
av Mr. Arnstein Bue des Norge setter vi pris
og vi sender stedet av radio
sammen med E-post og mer en merkevare logo å legge ut påbloggen din
avvente en bekreftelse.
Radio capibareibe Valley, Santa Cruz gjør Capibaribe,Pernambuco, Brasil

stedet av radioen for å høre"

Tuesday 20 March 2012

ZYF694 Rádio Difusora, Jataí GO 4935

A 1984 recording and a 2012 web site can be a good match.

Thursday 15 March 2012

CM.. Radio Ciudad de la Habana 1080

I heard Radio Ciudad de la Habana on 1080 kHz last October, but I'm not sure if they have their own transmitter on 1080 kHz or if they are rebroadcasted by Radio Cadena Habana, V. María.

Monday 12 March 2012

ZYK305 Rádio Sarandi, Sarandi RS 1310

Rádio Sarandi was heard this morning, with a jingle under a much stronger and still unidentified Brazilian station on 1310 kHz.
Airton kindly confirmed my reception after 6 minutes.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Friday 2 March 2012

HCRM2 Radio Huancavilca, Guayaquil 830

I heard Radio Huancavila on October 24, 2011, and today Nestor Jimenez Lopez confirmed my reception in an email. He also attached a mp3 with a station identification.
Thanks to Gert Nilsson for contact information.

ZYJ246 Rádio Evangelizar, Curitiba PR 1060

I heard "Rádio Evangelizar é Preciso" on July 2, 2011. I needed some help to identify the station, and Henrik Klemetz was helpful as always. Thanks! After using the email form on the station website, asking for an email address, I got in contact with Geizom Sokacheski. Today I received a very nice confirmation by email from this very kind person, who is Coordenador Expansão Rádio e Televisão - "Evangelizar é Preciso".

Thursday 1 March 2012

WFNO Norco LA 830

Honestly I was looking for a better ID from Radio Huancavilca when I heard "WFNO, Norco-New Orleans, 830 AM" on October 19, 2011. But indeed I was very happy with this, and also with the nice email I received from Daphne Hernandez.

CB66 Radio UC, Santiago 660

I heard Radio UC on May 10, 2010, which was a fairly good night for hearing stations from southern South America.

Thanks a lot to Jorge Carvajal for confirming my reception, and to Andrew Brade for helping to identify the station!