Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

WVKZ Schenectady NY 1240

JOZK NHK-1 Matsuyama 963

A very nice letter in English, from Mio Watanabe at the Public Relations Section, and this QSL card, confirmed my December 17, 2009 reception of NHK-1 Matsuyama in Kongsfjord.

WTLA North Syracuse NY 1200

December 30, 2009, gave WTLA in the log from the listening post at Smøla - not exactly the most common NA station on 1200 kHz. Tonight Director Of Engineering Tim Backer sent me an email via his BlackBerry to confirm my reception: "I can confirm that you heard WTLA-AM. It is a simulcast with WSGO-AM, 1440, in Oswego, NY."
About a week later I received a very nice letter by post as well, from Mimi Griswold, VP Programming, also confirming my reception of WTLA.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

JOZF GBS Gifu Hoso, Gifu 1431

I received a letter "Via Air Male" from Gifu today, with a "Thanks for your report" card, a TV timetable and this station logo sticker. JOZF was heard in Kongsfjord on January 5, 2010.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

WHAZ Troy NY 1330

This station was found on a recording made on December 16, 2009, and was - to the best of my knowledge - previously unheard in Scandinavia.
I received a most nice email with a verification letter attached from Aaron Lucrezio, who is Alive Radio-Productions Manager and Webmaster.
Thank you, Aaron, for this great confirmation!

WHAZ became my QSL #70 from the state of New York.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

WNJE Flemington NJ 1040

WNJE 1040 was not an easy one, but was heard with a poor signal on January 1, 2010, rebroadcasting the programming of WEPN 1050. "WNJE's signal beams north - south with 1,500 watts nighttime, so your reception was outstanding. I believe this is only the second of third report received across the Atlantic for WJNE", Bob Galerstein (WB2VGD), 1050 ESPN Radio Anchor, writes in his letter.

WNTN Newton MA 1550

WNTN 1550 is another daytimer heard this season - on December 16, 2009:
"WNTN operates at 1550 kc at a power of 10,000 watts from local sunrise to local sunset", Station Manager John A. Frassica II writes in his letter of verification. This letter included a coverage map, and was attached to his very nice email. Thanks for the confirmation, John!

OAX4S Radio Comas, Comas 1300

During our latest trip til Smøla Radio Comas was heard on 1300 kHz. This happened on March 20, 2010. Other signals from Peru were Radio Programas del Perú 730 and Nueva Q FM 1570, but Radio Comas is so far the only new station from that night.

Back in 1989 I heard OAX4M Radio Star, Lima, on 1300 kHz. This might be the same station as Radio Comas of 2010. I haven't investigated this possibility yet, but anyway I got no reply to my report 21 years ago.
By the way, my overall respons rate from Latin American MW radio stations has climbed to a new record level: 75,4%

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

HJAX La 1080, Medellín 1080

"Hola! Si es nuestra esa emisora, confirmado! Impresionante!!"- this is the email I received in confirmation of my February 25, 2010 reception of HJAX La 1080. It works for me :-)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

KBSU Boise ID 730

Erik Jones, Interim Program Director / Production Manager at Boise State Radio, just sent me a very nice email with a confirmation of my October 24, 2009 (KONG19) reception of KBSU. This station had been on my list for a while. Boise State Radio do have a very professional and good looking web site at

Monday, 3 May 2010

ZYJ267 Rádio Canção Nova, Curitiba 1370

On July 28, 2009 I heard Rádio Canção Nova with a nice ID: “... Rádio Canção Nova - Nossa Senhora da Luz - AM 1370, Curitiba, Paraná”. And unlike first time I heard this station - in 1993 under the name Rádio Independência - I received a confirmation this time. They know what a DX'er is and what a DX'er want, and the email was a really nice one.

WTIV Titusville PA 1230

Program Director Keith Alan Austin kindly confirmed my December 30, 2009 reception of WTIV 1230 AM today. WTIV belongs to The Allegheny News Talk Sports Network, and their web site is