Thursday, 30 July 2009
LU24 Radio Tres Arroyos, Tres Arroyos BA 820
One of a nice number of new stations from La Plata heard on July 13 was LU24 Radio Tres Arroyos. José Luis Basualdo, Director General, sent me a nice email to confirm my reception on the day I left for this year's summer holidays on the Greek island of Kos.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
YVNM Radio Caribeña Mil AM, Morón 1000
Caribeña Mil AM - La Señal del Caribe was heard on July 22, and today I received an email from Juan Rivero with a positive confirmation of my reception. Juan also sent a picture of the station building (to the right) and a couple of photos of himself, in addition to a station identification you can find here:
Thank you very much, Juan! Thanks also to my friend JPR in Finland - Jari Ruohomäki - for the information.
Thank you very much, Juan! Thanks also to my friend JPR in Finland - Jari Ruohomäki - for the information.
LU13 Radio Necochea, Necochea BA 960
LU13 Radio Necochea was another great catch on July 23, 2009. A nice email from Alejandro Silva, Gerente, confirmed my reception tonight. I had a tentative reception of Radio Necochea also in 1985, but it was good to hear them 100% for sure and of course also to get a confirmation. Muchas gracias, Alejandro!
My QSL no. 50 (MW and SW) from Argentina.
My QSL no. 50 (MW and SW) from Argentina.
CW35 Radio Paysandú, Paysandú 1240
Thursday, 23 July 2009
CX26 Radio Uruguay, Montevideo 1050

"Radio Uruguay is one of the three stations owned by he Uruguayan government, together with CX6, Radio Clásica, 650 KHz and CX38, Emisora del Sur, 1290 KHz", according to the nice email I received from José Vargues.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
ZYL275 Rádio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG 880

CX22 Radio Universal, Montevideo 970

A very nice email in English from José Vargues confirmed my reception:
Dear Arnstein,
I have heard your mp3 file, about reception of CX22 Radio Universal, from Montevideo, Uruguay, and I confirm to you that it is really a good reception of our broadcasting signal.
CX22 Radio Universal is operating at 970 KHz, with a 20 KW Continental Electronics transmitter and a quarter wave folded monopole antenna.
It is located in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Have a great day!!!
LRA5 Radio Nacional Rosario, Rosario SF 1300
Another very nice radio station in Argentina is Radio Nacional Rosario, which I had been hunting this summer until July 13 gave a decent reception quality. I received a long, nice letter - in Spanish, English and even in Norwegian - via email from Claudio Berón, Director.
Claudio Berón tells that the station was founded on March 1, 1953, under the name LRA Radio del Estado. The program I heard was "Semanario Italiano", a program dedicated to the Italian population.
Claudio Berón tells that the station was founded on March 1, 1953, under the name LRA Radio del Estado. The program I heard was "Semanario Italiano", a program dedicated to the Italian population.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
LR11 Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata BA 1390

Thanks a lot to Lic. Omar Turconi, Director Ejecutivo de LR11 Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata, for confirming my reception!
LRH200 Radio Chajarí, Chajarí ER 940
Radio Chajarí is a station I hadn't even heard about until the fabulous DX day of July 13, 2009. A very short email confirmed my reception.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
ZYJ678 Rádio Sociedade Espigão, Espigão d'Oeste RO 1570

Thursday, 9 July 2009
CX40 Radio Fénix, Montevideo 1330
I heard this long-time-wanted station on location at Smøla on July 7, 2009, even if I was sleeping at the exact moment of reception. OJ Sagdahl and I had a fantastic trip to Smøla in nice summer weather, doing some antenna work, eating some seafood and drinking some beer.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
LV12 Radio Independencia, San Miguel de Tucumán TU 590
- LV12 Radiodifusora Independencia 590.
Thanks a lot to Daniel Juarez Ricci for a very nice email and for confirming my reception. This was the result of my reminder sent by air mail on June 20. Daniel also attached five jpg files to his email, found just now when I was returning from a trip to Smøla with OJS (for antenna work), where this station actually was heard on September 23, 2007.
Due to a far more common LS4 Radio Continental, LV12 is everything but an easy catch in Norway.
Monday, 6 July 2009
LT43 Radio Mocoví, Charata CH 800

On July 7 Radio Mocoví celebrated 36 years on air!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
LT35 Radio Mon, Pergamino BA 1540
Another nice radio station from Argentina is LT35 Radio Mon, heard on 1540 on June 23, 2009. Thanks a lot to Carlos Trincavelli, Presidente, for confirming my reception in a nice email!
Thursday, 2 July 2009
ZP10 Radio Fe y Alegría, Asunción 1300
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