On 4 January 2008, on my latest DXpedition to Lista in southwestern Norway, I was looking for Jamaica on 700 kHz when I realized there also was another English speaking station, not North American, on the frequency. After examining my recordings when I came home, I sent an email to Kingstown in St. Vincent & The Grenadines asking if NBC Radio was on the air.
"Yes sir we are running some test on the AM for over a week so it is already up and running", Lynford Byron confirmed. My reception report was of course sent the same day, but a written confirmation didn't pop up in my inbox until today. This was after a few phone calls (Lynford Byron confirmed my reception on the phone) and several emails to Kingstown.

Thank you, Lynford, for this confirmation and for country no. 219 in my QSL collection.
This was my QSL no. 500 from Latin America!