Friday, 20 July 2007

ZYH585 Ceará Rádio Clube, Fortaleza CE 1200

After Brazil's victory against Argentina in Copa America on Sunday, I sent a reminder to a few Brazilian radio stations. One of them was ZYH585 Ceará Rádio Clube, which I heard back in 1992. I found a working email address on their home page and I received a very nice email from Angélica Cavalcanti, who is 'gerente administrativo financeiro'.

Monday, 16 July 2007

WOAM Peoria IL 1350

Bob Kelly, President & General Manager, today confirms my reception of "America's Best Music on AM 13-50, WOAM, Peoria, Illinois, USA" in a very nice email.

Thanks a lot, Bob!

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

YVYM Radio Venezuela 880, Puerto Ordaz 880

Very nice email, with a perfect QSL letter attached, was received from Simón Arreaza, Director, on July 4th, after I had left for the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. He also writes about Copa America, arranged in Venezuela these days.